
For the convenience of parents and students of “in-person” learners, teachers will begin entering an Edgenuity grade into the Power School Parent Portal starting on Friday, 8/28.  This grade will be a reflection of the student’s actual grade (based on grading and being on track with each course).  This grade will be changed every Friday to reflect the student’s progress.  These grades are fluid and will change daily, so they will be posted on Friday to keep parents updated.

For more details regarding your child’s grade, please have them log into www.edgenuity.com; the first page they see shows their actual grade and their progress.  Should you see an “overall grade” that differs from the “actual grade,” please note that the “overall” score does not include progress in the course.

If you have questions, please reach out to the teacher who has contacted you.  For PowerSchool information, please e-mail daniel.doris@marion.k12.ga.us