cheer t-shirt

MCMS Cheer T-Shirt Order Form

All t-Shirt orders Must be placed by August 31st!

T Shirts will be Red Comfort Color. The shirts are $20. 2X add $1.50 and 3X add $2.

Proceeds from the t-shirts will go to the Marion County Middle School Cheer Team.
Email if you have any questions. Order forms
can be emailed to Courtney Gilmer or brought to the MCHS office. You can pay with
cash or check. Make checks payable to MCHS and add Cheer T-Shirt in the memo.
An email will be sent out once they are ready for pickup.

Small: _____________ Medium: _____________ 
Large: _____________ 


Small: _____________  Medium: ___________

Large: _____________  X-Large: ___________

2X: ________________  3X: ________________

Name: _____________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Total: $_______