
Please read carefully!

Carson Bowen from Herff Jones will meet with on-campus Seniors on Monday, October 12th, to discuss cap and gown ordering (along with t-shirts, sweatpants, invitations, tassels, etc.).  We will broadcast  this meeting for our at-home students.  This is the link to the meeting:

Topic: Senior Ordering Information

Time: Oct 12, 2020 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 983 7655 8480

Passcode: Hqx9XV

Ordering information for Thursday, October 15th:

  • The first round of Senior orders will be held Thursday, October 15th from 6-7:30 p.m.  You will need to come and fill out an order form, and hopefully pay your deposit.  If you cannot pay your deposit at that time, please fill out the form and let the Herff Jones reps know that you need an extension.
  • Seniors with last names A-L should arrive closer to 6:00.
  • Seniors with last names M-Z should arrive at 6:45.
  • Please enter through the front entrance (by the electronic sign).  Drive to the front of the building; you will not exit your car.  You will receive your receipt (if you pay at that time) and any other paid immediate items (t-shirts and paraphernalia that you order) at that time.

If you have questions, e-mail me by Thursday morning.  If you would like to look at items on their website ahead of time, visit