GA Match

Seniors, you should receive letters later this week from GEORGIA MATCH. This is a program to help match you to in-state colleges. If you meet a college's criteria, you still need to apply if you are interested. Once you receive your letter, see Mrs. Jernigan if you have questions. This letter will come in handy during Apply to College Day on November 13th.

Please note, these letters are NOT acceptance letters. They can be summarized as, "You meet the preliminary academic requirements to apply to these institutions." Then, students are able to apply to the schools on the list that interest them. The invitation to apply does not mean that the student will be accepted, but it is an encouragement to apply.

Details from the Georgia Student Finance Commission are available at the link in the top of the article. This is a state-wide initiative in conjunction with the University System of Georgia and the Technical College System of Georgia.