Also, if you received your yearbook and it was damaged, please let Mrs. Owens or a member of the yearbook staff know ASAP!
about 2 years ago, Counselor
If you purchased a yearbook and have not received it, please pick it up from Mrs. Owens in Room 202.
about 2 years ago, Counselor
The City of Buena Vista is looking to hire approximately 10 students to assist with collecting surveys from the community for a Community Development Block Grant application. These students will go door to door asking residents to complete a one-page survey. Upon completion, the city will provide them with $100 each. They will go to approximately 40 doors each. This work will be done this weekend (Friday-Monday, May 5/5-9). They will be provided with a list of addresses, the surveys, and a quick tutorial. We recognize the quick turnaround, but we do not want to miss the opportunity to bring the services that these grant funds can provide to our community. Those interested should sign up with Mrs. Jernigan by the end of the school day tomorrow (5/5) or call City Hall at 649-7888 or Mayor Kevin Brown at 314-9399.
about 2 years ago, Counselor
From Mrs. Geven: The cheer meeting for parents to attend will be Wednesday, May 4th at 5:30 in the Eagle Room.
about 2 years ago, Counselor
New scholarship application: Don't forget to check out Mrs. Jernigan's webpage for other opportunities! Time is running out!
about 2 years ago, Counselor
Congratulations to Dillon Register on his acceptance to Columbus State University!
about 2 years ago, Counselor
From Mrs. Geven: Please view the flyer about football cheer tryouts. You may pick up the appropriate paperwork in the front office at MCMHS.
about 2 years ago, Counselor
Congratulations to Sage Davis and Baileigh Barrentine! Sage placed first in the State of Georgia in the 8th grade division of the Garden Club's NGC Youth Poetry Contest. Baileigh was the 2nd place winner. Thank you to the Beautiful View Garden Club #145 for your support!
about 2 years ago, Counselor
Sage and Baileigh
Thank you to Officer Kelley for encouraging today's presentation! We were grateful to have Kalen Jones and Brittany Riddle from the Children's Treehouse Child Advocacy Center to talk about the dangers of social media and online oversharing.
about 2 years ago, Counselor
CAC pres
CAC pres 2
From Mrs. Truitt: All library books are due Friday, May 6th. No other library books will be checked out after this time.
about 2 years ago, Counselor
Graduating seniors who plan to study an agricultural field, make sure you apply for this scholarship:
about 2 years ago, Counselor
Check out this summer opportunity for students at the Columbus Coca-Cola Space Science Center!
about 2 years ago, Counselor
Thank you to Mrs. Kathy Tookes for a wonderful cheer banquet. We appreciate all you do for our squads and all you have meant to basketball cheer over the years. Your spirit and grace are unparalleled. We love you!
about 2 years ago, Counselor
cheer 2
Congratulations to Tanisha Jordan on her acceptance to Albany State University!
about 2 years ago, Counselor
Please click the link to see/order prom pictures.
about 2 years ago, Marion Middle/High
We are lucky to have such an informative and award-winning museum close by in Columbus! On Friday, April 8th, 7th grade students toured the National Infantry Museum, expanding their knowledge of military endeavors that impact history.
about 2 years ago, Counselor
infantry museum
Congratulations to Tanisha Jordan on her acceptance to Clayton State!
about 2 years ago, Counselor
Due to the missed days this week, we will extend the Senior local scholarship deadline to Monday, April 11. Please have all forms and paperwork turned in to Mrs. Jernigan on that date.
about 2 years ago, Counselor
If you need to apply to GSW or CSU and planned to do that today, we are trying to reschedule it for tomorrow. Please e-mail so that you can take a transcript with you when you apply.
about 2 years ago, Counselor
Due to poor road conditions and continued heavy rainfall, Marion County Schools will be closed for students Thursday, April 7th. Faculty and staff should report at 9 am. Check the school website for updates.
about 2 years ago, Marion County Schools