Seniors and parents, click the image to learn more about GEORGIA MATCH! Information will be mailed to you later this week.
7 months ago, Counselor
GA Match
Thanks so much to South Georgia Technical College for hosting the EMPOWER Youth Leaders yesterday! They learned so much about workforce skills and ethics. Here is the video from yesterday's events:
7 months ago, Counselor
Congratulations to Polly Sanders on her acceptance to Brenau University with a Trustee Scholarship worth $64,000!
7 months ago, Counselor
MCMHS is wishing a Happy Heavenly Birthday to Tyrek Weaver. We miss you!
7 months ago, Counselor
pic 1
bday 2
Congratulations to Arion Kelly on her acceptance to Columbus State University!
7 months ago, Counselor
Congratulations to Cesaleigh Snider on her acceptance to Belmont University with a scholarship worth $36,000!
7 months ago, Counselor
Congratulations to Polly Sanders on her acceptance to Wingate University with a scholarship worth $108,000!
7 months ago, Counselor
Parents, Students, and Staff: The Marion County School System will be conducting state-mandated fire drills, intruder alert drills, and safety drills over the next few weeks in both schools and randomly throughout the school year. A letter was sent home with students today. If you have questions, please contact your child's principal. Thank you!
8 months ago, Marion County Schools
Congratulations to Cesaleigh Snider on her acceptance to Mississippi College!
8 months ago, Counselor
Congratulations to Polly Sanders on her acceptance to Wesleyan College with a $60,000 Trustee Scholarship!
8 months ago, Counselor
8 months ago, Marion Middle/High
Congratulations to Cesaleigh Snider on her acceptance to LaGrange College!
8 months ago, Counselor
Senior meeting #2 this Thursday, September 21: We will go over cap and gown ordering process and take care of some class-related business. You don't want to miss! Spread the word! We will meet at 9:30 in the cafeteria.
8 months ago, Counselor
Can't make it to the game! Subscribe to the NFHS Network and watch from home. We offer our Football, Basketball, and Wrestling Matches through live stream on the NFHS Network.
8 months ago, Marion Middle/High
Get ready to tailgate with us for Homecoming! See the flyer for details.
8 months ago, Counselor
Spanish flyer for tailgate
Congratulations to Cesaleigh Snider on her acceptance to Young Harris College with a Sharp Scholarship worth $18,000!
8 months ago, Counselor
Seniors, don't forget to reserve a time for your pictures if you have not already taken them. Make-up pictures will be tomorrow (9/13) for all students in 6-12 who have not been photographed for the yearbook. There is a link for Seniors to schedule a time (posted in the Class of '24 Teams account).
8 months ago, Counselor
Senior quotes and accomplishments are due tomorrow (Friday). I posted the form in Class of 2024 Teams account if you need a copy or need more info. Be sure to follow @marioncoyearbook on Instagram for similar updates and deadlines!
8 months ago, Counselor
Congratulations to Cesaleigh Snider on her acceptance to Young Harris College!
8 months ago, Counselor
Seniors, don't forget about all the scholarship applications that are posted in your Teams account under Class of 2024! Please make sure to apply for any and all that fit your needs. Also, check out scholarship opportunities offered by colleges on their financial aid page.
8 months ago, Counselor